Friday, July 27, 2012

One of our new readers who stumbled across an older copy of Point Blank! asked if there are any weblinks for where to find the other available issues. As I find this a very well intended question, I thought I would begin with links to each of the still available "back issues".

That is every issue still in electronic existence in my possession. Unfortunately after the house fire I lost the CPU as well as everything else, and all the pre - 2010 issues were on there.
I heartily recommend anyone interested in the initial offerings of Point Blank! ( from 1999 to 2001) consider using the CSW or GS forums to ask for an e copy to be made available from someone who may still have one. This is probably the best bet to secure a copy of the early issues.

An update as many are interested in the "Nederlanders Marsche" scenario pack under development here. We are currently well into initial playtesting of the first 4 scens, with the next four in markup stages after the final historical research comments were received. I would like to thank everyone assisting on this project, and most specifically: Paul Weir, Kevin Kenneally, Herr v Marwitz, Andrew Kerekes, Steve Bowen, Dennis Donovan, Eoin Corrigan, ( for historical research and proofreading) and the playtesters working on this as well. I believe the first installment "Tooth and Nail" will be ready for the July - August issue, which will also appear here when ready.

Til Later, and we're still "under construction"
Keep Rollin Low
Jon H

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jon,
    When I try to download any of the issues on Scribd it tells me "To download this document you must be a Scribd Premium Reader". Is there any way around this other than paying?

