Wednesday, May 29, 2013

SSND Update!!

With all 9 scens layed out in Playtest formats, we are moving forward into getting the playtesting done and changes / revisions made.

We've got 3 in the bag and ready now, 6 more in playtesting. I have begun collating my notes for the Designers Notes section that will go with the pack, and writing the scenario blurbs that will accompany it as well.  The volunteer proofreading crowd will be getting a lion's share of work soon on both of these by the end of June.

It does appear we are still on track for our initial deadlines by Thanksgiving for everything to go into development. With this, the project will be getting pipelined; and a huge debt of gratitude to the many volunteers helping out on this will be due.

As always, we can use more playtesting, so if you are feeling generous enough to assist, please email me at my gmail account ( you can find it elsewhere on here, at the GS forums in many posts, or at

Keep Rolling Low!!!