Thursday, October 25, 2012

Trials and Tribulations of Designing ASL Pt 1:

The SSND design project plods along , at times like a racehorse, and at other times like a 3 legged elephant wearing blinders. :-)

To date: SSND1 "Tooth and Nail" Has finished all playtesting, and revisions were made that forced another round of playtesting to check their effects on balance, with 2 games already started on this. ( I cannot believe we've gotten to revision #7 already!). With the help of 1 benefactor and 2 volunteers ( 3 if you count the wife who's actually doing all the heavy work, LOL); we have a layout team in place for designing the scenario layouts in a standardized and easy to read format. This should in the end ease the problems of not identifying the AFVs and Guns by ASL name on the scenario card, as well as the different fonts , and finally allowing inclusion of SSRs onto the scenario card.

SSND2  " A Concerted Effort" finished its initial playtest, waiting for the final reports from the playtesters on that one. There are some questions on the availability of AFVs at this location, and some historical data on these AFVs that may result in an OoB change of the models of the various Pz IIIs in the scenario as it now stands. This will of course send it back to playtest square #2.  The initial proofreads are all in , and revisions made therein to incorporate the changes to date. This one should be feeding into the playtesters by Thanksgiving. for full platesting and proofreading by all, then to the layout team by Christmas I am hoping.

SSND3 " A Rude Surprise" has just finished final design and has come back with a few changes from the initial proofreaders that will need to be incorporated still before it goes off for initial playtesting. These revisions should be done before Thanksgiving, so it is ready to feed into the playtest group on the heels of SSND2.

SSND4: " Hitler's Violins" is still in design stages, with suggestions on wording having been made by the proofreaders that will need to be incorporated before playtesting, and a possible map swap for a better representation of the terrain as well. All of that will need be finished before this one is ready for the playtest pipeline, but still should be done in time to avoid delys in getting to the playtesters as they are ready for it.

SSND5 and SSND6 are in need of some good titles , and the scen card mock ups will be going out the proofreaders for title suggestions and their initial blind read throughs. These are the Narva Bridgehead and Korsun Pocket scens. Design is still a ways off on firming up the OoBs and terrain here.

SSND7 "Kurland, Round Three" ( a working title, would like something better) is in initial terrain research, the OoBs havig been finally firmed up. Now we need to get the map put together for everyone to view :-)

SSND8 - the north Berlin destruction scenrio. This one is having difficulties in getting the OoBs representative of the confused times here. So far, we are aware of at least 1 Panther Ausf A that had been towed into position for the battle so it will be starting the game as a dug in tank. Then there is representing the panzergrenadier alarm units that were bicycle mounted troops riding specially designed cycles with racks capable of holding 6 panzerfauste and 4 ATMM in order to respond to the AFV breakthroughs and go into combat against them as a mobile AT team. This one is a long way from ready, but will probably take advantage of some of the overlays from ITR from BFP for sure :-).

KRL, and look for more updates on the project here!

Jon H

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